D&D Logistics
Vrachtvervoer naar Finland, Zweden, Noorwegen en DenemarkenFENEX Guarantee Fund
Anyone looking for a partner in the field of transport and logistics will first examine his reliability. Because without reliability, ´fast´and ´cheap´ may all too often prove to be traps for the unwary.
FENEX freight forwarders realise that everything revolves around reliability, which is why they strive constantly for quality, continuity and manageability of logistic systems.
In order to emphasize the reliability of FENEX freight forwarders, FENEX has established a guarantee fund. This guarantee fund means that should a FENEX freight forwarder go into bankruptcy, the FENEX guarantee will reimburse under certain conditions any financial loss incurred by the customer. In other words, FENEX freight forwarders stand surety for one another.
The Guarantee Fund has been incorporated into the Foundation FENEX Guarantee Fund. The Foundation pays out if the conditions are fulfilled that are recorded in the FENEX Guarantee Fund Indemnitz Rules.